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Raspberry Pi in operation - how it works

  • Apr 18, 2024
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Have you bought a Raspberry Pi, you can take him in a few steps. We will show you how to do it.

Preparation: Raspberry Pi in operation

So the Raspberry Pi will be ready for use, you must first install a suitable operating system. In this tutorial we will show you the non-graphical Installation. Alternatively, you can connect a screen via HDMI and keyboard via USB.
  1. You can download the operating system NOOBS to the website of Raspberry Pi down. Select the left variant of "Offline and network install". Within NOOBS, the operating system RASPBIAN is. However, you can also download a different Version on the website.
  2. While the 700-MB large archive is downloaded, you can use the SD card Format "FAT32" format. The SD card should have at least 4 GB of memory.
  3. You will have to copy the archive to the SD card and connect the Raspberry Pi to the power. You plug the SD card into the Pi, the Installation will start by itself, when no screen is connected.
  4. The Installation usually takes 30 minutes. The Status-LEDs you can recognize, if the Installation is completed.
Raspberry Pi: NOOBS install

Raspberry Pi on the Computer

You have not connected any screen with the Raspberry Pi, you have to reach the Mini-PC on the other.
  1. First of all, you must find out the IP address of the Raspberry Pi. Log into your Router and look for a DHCP table or a alternative list with all the devices, the sparks are currently the Router around. There you will find the IP address followed by the name of "raspberrypi".
  2. Open the command prompt and type the command "ssh pi@" followed by the IP address. An example: "ssh pi@".
  3. Confirm the following warning with "yes", you have access to the Raspberry Pi. The password is "raspberry".
Raspberry Pi in operation

More from Raspberry Pi to get: With the CHIP Special

Even more practical tips you will learn in the special issue on the Raspberry Pi in the CHIP Kiosk.
  • In the CHIP Kiosk you will find the the Raspberry manual , either as a booklet or as a PDF for immediate Download, and fast to get Started.
  • You know on 148 pages of Know-how, and Workshops for all the models, including A+/B+/2. We provide many projects to try at home – from the music streaming to the Raspberry Pi as a NAS and show how to use the Pi as a multimedia center.
Raspberry Pi - The ultimate guide
In the next practical tip we will show you how to use the Raspberry Pi with the Wi-Fi connect.




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