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Excel: calculating frequency - so it goes

  • Apr 27, 2024
  • 399
  • 0

How to calculate in Excel abundances, we show you in this article.

In Excel, frequencies, calculate: data and classes

First of all, you need to enter in Excel the data:
  1. In a column, all of the prices are your data.
  2. In a second columns specify the classes, for example, price categories.
  3. Now select the cells in which the evaluation is to take place. In our example, four classes are specified (see picture). Select five cells, there is a further class for all cases is needed outside of the classes.
  4. Then click up in the toolbar and enter the following command: "=FREQUENCY(D5:D11;E5:E8)" (without the quotation marks).
  5. Now, press the keys [Ctrl] + [shift] + [enter] to display the frequencies.
  6. The here mentioned example, and the evaluation is understood as follows: The prices of the three products were below 10 Euro. None of the products was in the 20 Euro category. 2 products cost up to 50 and 100 Euro. No product was more expensive than 100 Euro.
Frequencies calculate
Read in the next practice tip on how you a histogram in Excel create.




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