Home Blog Archive Software Kindle: the time and date set - so it goes

Kindle: the time and date set - so it goes

  • May 17, 2024
  • 7286
  • 1

Kindle the time and date are in to your Amazon set incorrectly, you can change this in the settings. We will tell you how you readers when the Kindle and the Kindle Fire to do it.

Kindle eBook Reader: set the time and date

The Kindle Reader from Amazon to show in the top bar and the current time. A date display is missing, which is why the date is also not on the Kindle set. The time but you can change it in the settings.
  1. To do this, go to the main menu of your Kindle by closing the currently open eBook.
  2. Tap the Gear icon, and then click "All settings".
  3. Then you need to select the sub-item "device options" and tap on "time".
  4. Set last the desired time and confirm with "Ok".
Kindle Paperwhite: time change

Kindle Fire: set the time and date

On the Kindle Fire the above guide does not work. Here you need to zones time and date using the time settings set. Manually, the two data can not change.
  1. Swipe your Finger down and tap in the news-center on the entry "settings".
  2. Then tap on "device options" and "date & time".
  3. Is enabled, the Option "Automatic time zone", your device uses the Wi-Fi or a mobile network, to determine the time zone via the Internet.
  4. If you want to select the time zone manually, tap next to "Automatic time zone" to "Off" and the desired time, then select zone. The time is then automatically correct.
Kindle Fire: setting the time
As in the case of your Kindle to the landscape setting, we will show you on the next page.



Northbound Bluevolvo, Wed 23, 2022

This "tech tip" is inaccurate and incoherent. There is no way to set the date on a Kindle Paperwhite.


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