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OpenOffice Calc: third root calculate

  • Apr 16, 2024
  • 529
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With OpenOffice Calc, you can drag the second, third or n-th root of a number. We will show you how to do it.

OpenOffice Calc: root write as a power of

Whether it's second, third, tenth, n-th root in OpenOffice Calc , you can by a simple mathematical relation can be drawn:
  1. The n-th root of an expression corresponds to the expression with the Kehrbruch of n as the Exponent.
  2. For example, ¾ is√7 = 7^(4/3).
  3. For example, enter "=127^(1/3)", to pull the third root of 127. "=127^(1/7)" thus corresponds to the seventh root of 127.
  4. Here, the Exponent must be in parentheses.
  5. When you root, the fact that the cell is formatted as "number" or "currency". Right-click on the cell and choose "format cells...", you can set this under the Tab "Numbers".
Third root in Calc, calculate
Tricks on how to make with Open Office Calc, Numbers of rounds, days of the week from data calculate or zeros show, we will give you other practical tips. The most important formulas you'll find here.




1 + 3 =