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Ikea-voucher via WhatsApp: Is this a Virus?

  • Apr 17, 2024
  • 743
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More and more Ikea are widely used vouchers to flood-like over WhatsApp. If a Virus or malware is behind it or whether or not you can trust the offer, we will explain in this practical tip.

Brazen Phishing deal: Ikea coupons via WhatsApp

Earlier dubious offers were sent via Mail, now WhatsApp for scammers have become more lucrative:
  1. Especially the benefit of the doubt in this case is large: All of the messages come from known contacts, who are themselves fallen for the Trick.
  2. Behind only the principle of a chain letter is hidden, actually: The victim is enticed with a Link to a voucher from a well-known business - in this case, Ikea. Then you will be forced to share the offer with your contacts.
  3. If you click on the Link, you will be asked to an approximately one-minute survey with four questions. In order to supposedly win a 500 Euro voucher for the furniture giant.
  4. With the survey it is not done: you need to share the Link with at least 10 WhatsApp contacts.
  5. Supposedly only a few vouchers for a very short time are available. As a result, the victim will be under pressure of time. In this way, it happens naturally rather that you give thoughtless of your data, such as your mobile phone number, or address and name price.
  6. In the next steps, you will be bombarded with advertising Windows, with which the fraudster makes probably the checkout.
  7. Conclusion: These enticing offers are highly untrustworthy and you should not press on the Link. Otherwise expensive subscription traps, Spam, and malware threats.
Phishing via WhatsApp to avoid
We will also tell you how to protect yourself from other scams on WhatsApp can protect.




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